This report is for educational purposes only, and not to provide investment advice.  Before making any investment decision, you should always do your own research or consult a investment professional. Estimates Estimates Estimates
While I try to be accurate, I assume no responsibility for any figure in this spreadsheet. Q1 2024 <-Estimates
See my website on stocks or see my blog at the following sites. 3/31/24 <-Estimates
Fortis Inc TSX: FTS NYSE FTS Fiscal Yr: Dec-31
Year 12/31/11 12/31/12 12/31/13 12/31/14 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 12/31/22 12/31/23 12/31/24 12/31/25 12/31/26 Value Description #Y Item Total G
Comments Comments
Split Split
$11,633 <-12 mths 1.01% Estimates last 12 months from Qtr.
Revenue* $3,747 $3,654 $4,047 $5,401 $6,727 $6,838 $8,301 $8,390 $8,783 $8,935 $9,448 $11,043 $11,517 $11,992 $12,534 $12,912 184.58% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue
Increase 2.3% -2.5% 10.8% 33.5% 24.6% 1.7% 21.4% 1.1% 4.7% 1.7% 5.7% 16.9% 4.3% 4.1% 4.5% 3.0% 11.02% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue 184.58%
5 year Running Average $3,534 $3,721 $3,750 $4,103 $4,715 $5,333 $6,263 $7,131 $7,808 $8,249 $8,771 $9,320 $9,945 $10,587 $11,307 $12,000 6.54% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue 37.27%
Revenue per share $19.84 $19.07 $18.99 $19.57 $23.89 $17.03 $19.71 $19.58 $18.96 $19.14 $19.90 $22.90 $23.48 $24.44 $25.55 $26.32 10.25% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 165.22%
Increase -5.55% -3.88% -0.47% 3.07% 22.09% -28.71% 15.74% -0.67% -3.18% 0.97% 3.96% 15.09% 2.51% 4.12% 4.52% 3.02% 6.88% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 39.46%
5 year Running Average $20.53 $20.85 $20.03 $19.70 $20.27 $19.71 $19.84 $19.96 $19.83 $18.88 $19.46 $20.10 $20.87 $21.97 $23.25 $24.54 2.15% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Revenue per Share 23.65%
P/S (Price/Sales) Med 1.62 1.74 1.71 1.80 1.59 2.37 2.27 2.22 2.67 2.74 2.77 2.49 2.39 2.19 0.00 0.00 3.70% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Revenue per Share 19.89%
P/S (Price/Sales) Close 1.68 1.79 1.60 1.99 1.57 2.43 2.34 2.32 2.84 2.72 3.07 2.37 2.32 2.21 2.12 2.12 0.41% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 4.22%
*Revenue in millions CDN $ (Operating Revenues), and Per Share P/S Med 20 yr  1.76 15 yr  2.22 10 yr  2.38 5 yr  2.67 -6.99% Diff M/C 0.90% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 4.60%
-$4,047 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,517
-$8,390 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,517
-$3,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,945
-$7,131 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,945
-$18.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23.48
-$19.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23.48
-$20.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.87
-$19.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.87
$3.74 <-12 mths 2.19%
69.10% 67.94%
AFFO $2.62 $2.70 $2.48 $2.12 $2.06 $2.28 $2.97 $2.52 $2.68 $3.09 $2.81 $3.71 $3.66 $3.98 $4.15 47.58% <-Total Growth 10 AFFO
Increase 3.05% -8.15% -14.52% -2.83% 10.68% 30.26% -15.15% 6.35% 15.30% -9.06% 32.03% -1.35% 8.74% 4.27% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N 100.00%
AFFO Yield 8.1% 5.4% 5.5% 5.5% 6.4% 5.5% 5.0% 5.9% 4.6% 6.8% 6.7% 7.4% 7.7% 3.97% <-IRR #YR-> 10 AFFO 47.58%
5 year Running Average $2.40 $2.33 $2.38 $2.39 $2.50 $2.71 $2.81 $2.96 $3.19 $3.45 $3.66 7.75% <-IRR #YR-> 5 AFFO 45.24%
Payout Ratio 44.27% 44.44% 50.00% 60.38% 67.72% 66.89% 54.71% 68.45% 68.19% 62.70% 72.95% 58.49% 62.43% 59.30% 56.87% 3.72% <-IRR #YR-> 8 5 yr Running Average #DIV/0!
5 year Running Average 52.38% 57.04% 59.32% 63.18% 64.73% 63.81% 65.14% 65.56% 64.39% 62.62% 61.31% 5.94% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 33.47%
Price/AFFO Med 12.26 12.28 13.06 16.63 18.49 17.70 15.06 17.21 18.85 16.95 19.60 15.37 15.33 13.48 0.01 17.08 <-Median-> 10 Price/AFFO Med
Price/AFFO High 13.42 12.69 14.12 19.16 20.34 19.53 16.36 18.67 21.19 19.04 21.77 17.53 16.82 14.09 0.00 19.10 <-Median-> 10 Price/AFFO High
Price/AFFO Low 11.11 11.87 12.00 14.09 16.63 15.88 13.76 15.75 16.52 14.85 17.44 13.21 13.83 12.86 0.00 15.30 <-Median-> 10 Price/AFFO Low
Price/AFFO Close 12.74 12.67 12.28 18.38 18.16 18.18 15.53 18.06 20.10 16.83 21.72 14.60 14.89 13.59 13.04 18.11 <-Median-> 10 P/FFO Close
Trailing P/AFFO 13.06 11.28 15.71 17.65 20.13 20.22 15.32 21.38 19.40 19.75 19.28 14.69 14.78 13.59 19.34 <-Median-> 10 Trailing P/FFO Close
Median Values DPR 10 Yrs 64.79% 5 Yrs   62.70% P/CF 5 Yrs   in order 16.95 19.04 14.85 16.83 -19.79% Diff M/C
$2.27 <-12 mths -26.54% Estimates Last 12 months from Qtr
71.81% 74.94% 74.89% Estimates Payout Ratio EPS
Adjusted Earnings $329 $342 $394 $589 $715 $1,053 $1,066 $1,115 $1,195 $1,219 $1,329 $1,502 338.89% <-Total Growth 10 Adjusted Profit CDN$
Adjusted Profit CDN$ 8.23% 7.17% 5.73% 7.31% 5.51% 7.87% 7.15% 6.59% 7.00% 6.90% 6.85% 7.55% 6.95% <-Median-> 10 Return on Equity ROE
Return on Equity ROE 7.17% 7.17% 7.15% 7.15% 7.00% 7.00% 6.90% 6.90% 7.07% <-Median-> 8 5 Yr Median
Adjusted EPS Basic $1.75 $1.73 $1.69 $1.75 $2.11 $2.33 $2.53 $2.51 $2.55 $2.57 $2.59 $2.78 $3.09 $3.32 $3.32 $3.48 82.84% <-Total Growth 10 AEPS
Increase 6.06% -1.14% -2.31% 3.55% 20.57% 10.43% 8.58% -0.79% 1.59% 0.78% 0.78% 7.34% 11.15% 7.44% 0.00% 4.82% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N 100.00%
AEPS Yield 5.2% 5.1% 5.6% 4.5% 5.6% 5.6% 5.5% 5.5% 4.7% 4.9% 4.2% 5.1% 5.7% 6.1% 6.1% 6.2% 6.22% <-IRR #YR-> 10 AEPS 82.84%
5 year Running Average $1.65 $1.67 $1.71 $1.81 $1.92 $2.08 $2.25 $2.41 $2.50 $2.55 $2.60 $2.72 $2.87 $3.02 $3.20 4.25% <-IRR #YR-> 5 AEPS 23.11%
Payout Ratio 66.29% 69.36% 73.37% 73.14% 66.11% 65.45% 64.23% 68.73% 71.67% 75.39% 79.15% 78.06% 73.95% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.97% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 62.44%
5 year Running Average 67.07% 68.90% 70.01% 69.49% 69.09% 67.87% 67.23% 67.31% 69.18% 71.88% 74.69% 75.63% 75.28% 74.34% 72.14% 3.87% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 20.93%
Price/AEPS Median 18.36 19.16 19.16 20.14 18.05 17.32 17.68 17.28 19.81 20.38 21.27 20.51 18.15 16.16 0.01 0.00 18.98 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Median
Price/AEPS High 20.09 19.80 20.72 23.21 19.86 19.11 19.21 18.75 22.27 22.89 23.61 23.40 19.92 16.89 0.00 0.00 21.09 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS High
Price/AEPS Low 16.63 18.52 17.61 17.07 16.24 15.54 16.15 15.81 17.36 17.86 18.92 17.63 16.39 15.42 0.00 0.00 16.73 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Low
Price/AEPS Close 19.07 19.78 18.02 22.26 17.73 17.79 18.23 18.13 21.13 20.23 23.56 19.49 17.64 16.30 16.30 16.06 18.86 <-Median-> 10 Price/AEPS Close
Trailing P/AEPS Close 20.22 19.55 17.60 23.05 21.38 19.65 19.79 17.99 21.47 20.39 23.75 20.92 19.61 17.51 16.30 16.83 20.66 <-Median-> 10 Trailing P/AEPS Close
Median Values DPR 10 Yrs 72.40% 5 Yrs   75.39% P/CF 5 Yrs   in order 20.38 22.89 17.63 20.23
$3.09 <-12 mths -0.21% Estimates Last 12 months from Qtr
Difference Basic and Diluted 0.57% 0.60% 0.57% 0.71% 0.77% 0.00% 0.43% 0.00% 0.36% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% <-Median-> 0 Difference Basic and Diluted
EPS Basic $1.75 $1.66 $1.74 $1.41 $2.61 $1.89 $2.32 $2.59 $2.79 $2.60 $2.61 $2.78 $3.10 78.16% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Basic
pre-split 2005
EPS Diluted* $1.74 $1.65 $1.73 $1.40 $2.59 $1.89 $2.31 $2.59 $2.78 $2.60 $2.61 $2.78 $3.10 $3.20 $3.35 $3.53 79.19% <-Total Growth 10 EPS Diluted
Increase 7.41% -5.17% 4.85% -19.08% 85.00% -27.03% 22.22% 12.12% 7.34% -6.47% 0.38% 6.51% 11.51% 3.19% 4.69% 5.26% 10 0 10 Years of Data, EPS P or N 100.00%
Earnings Yield 5.2% 4.8% 5.7% 3.6% 6.9% 4.6% 5.0% 5.7% 5.2% 5.0% 4.3% 5.1% 5.7% 5.9% 6.2% 6.3% 6.01% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Earnings per Share 79.19%
5 year Running Average $1.54 $1.61 $1.65 $1.63 $1.82 $1.85 $1.98 $2.16 $2.43 $2.43 $2.58 $2.67 $2.77 $2.86 $3.01 $3.19 3.66% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Earnings per Share 19.69%
10 year Running Average $1.33 $1.40 $1.47 $1.51 $1.65 $1.70 $1.80 $1.90 $2.03 $2.13 $2.22 $2.33 $2.47 $2.64 $2.72 $2.88 5.33% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 yr Running Average 68.12%
* Diluted ESP per share  E/P 10 Yrs 5.07% 5Yrs 5.13% 5.17% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 yr Running Average 28.66%
-$1.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.10
-$2.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.10
-$1.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.77
-$2.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.77
Dividend Estimate $2.38 $2.49 $2.61 Estimates Dividend Estimate
Increase 4.3% 4.4% 4.7% Estimates Increase
Payout Ratio EPS 74.52% 74.29% 73.93% Estimates Payout Ratio EPS
Special Dividend $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% <-Median-> 10 Special Dividend
per Quarter
pre-split 2005
Dividend* $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $2.29 $2.36 $2.36 $2.36 84.27% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends
Increase 3.57% 3.45% 3.33% 3.23% 8.98% 9.32% 6.56% 6.15% 5.94% 6.02% 5.81% 5.85% 5.30% 3.28% 0.00% 0.00% 42 0 42 Years of data, Count P, N
Average Increases 5 Year Running 11.92% 8.13% 4.41% 4.25% 4.51% 5.66% 6.28% 6.85% 7.39% 6.80% 6.10% 5.96% 5.78% 5.25% 4.05% 2.89% 6.03% <-Median-> 10 Average Incr 5 Year Running
5 year running Average $1.03 $1.10 $1.15 $1.20 $1.26 $1.33 $1.41 $1.51 $1.62 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.16 $2.25 $2.31 78.30% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends 5 Yr Running
Yield H/L Price 3.30% 3.50% 3.54% 3.15% 3.33% 3.42% 3.34% 3.67% 3.22% 3.29% 3.35% 3.34% 3.71% 4.21% 3.34% <-Median-> 10 Yield H/L Price Item
Yield on High  Price 3.61% 3.62% 3.83% 3.63% 3.66% 3.78% 3.63% 3.98% 3.62% 3.70% 3.72% 3.81% 4.07% 4.40% 3.71% <-Median-> 10 Yield on High  Price EPS
Yield on Low Price 3.98% 3.75% 4.17% 4.28% 4.07% 4.21% 3.98% 4.35% 4.13% 4.22% 4.18% 4.43% 4.51% 4.61% 4.22% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Low Price AEPS
Yield on Close Price 3.48% 3.51% 4.07% 3.29% 3.73% 3.68% 3.52% 3.79% 3.39% 3.73% 3.36% 4.01% 4.19% 4.36% 4.36% 4.22% 3.70% <-Median-> 10 Yield on Close Price AFFO
Payout Ratio EPS 66.67% 72.73% 71.68% 91.43% 53.86% 80.69% 70.35% 66.60% 65.74% 74.52% 78.54% 78.06% 73.71% 73.77% 70.47% 66.95% 74.11% <-Median-> 10 DPR EPS CFPS
DPR EPS 5 Yr Running 66.58% 68.57% 69.82% 73.71% 68.88% 71.71% 71.22% 70.04% 66.59% 70.99% 71.10% 72.68% 74.04% 75.60% 74.64% 72.31% 71.16% <-Median-> 10 DPR EPS 5 Yr Running FCF 
Payout Ratio CFPS 24.23% 23.55% 29.40% 35.98% 23.48% 32.50% 24.83% 28.39% 31.79% 33.48% 33.48% 34.04% 31.62% 31.68% 30.81% 30.65% 32.15% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF
DPR CF 5 Yr Running 27.02% 25.42% 26.16% 27.45% 26.59% 28.25% 28.31% 28.16% 27.92% 29.95% 30.27% 32.25% 32.86% 32.77% 32.22% 31.68% 28.28% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF 5 Yr Running
Payout Ratio CFPS WC 27.18% 25.60% 28.00% 31.94% 24.07% 32.88% 23.98% 27.32% 29.91% 28.85% 31.90% 29.45% 30.92% 31.68% 30.81% 30.65% 29.68% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF WC
DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running 26.68% 26.54% 26.73% 27.78% 27.06% 28.19% 27.55% 27.42% 27.32% 28.28% 28.34% 29.48% 30.20% 30.56% 30.93% 30.70% 27.98% <-Median-> 10 DPR CF WC 5 Yr Running
Median Values 10 Yr Med 10 Yr Cl 3.34% 3.70% 5 Yr Med 5 Yr Cl 3.34% 3.73% 5 Yr Med Payout 74.52% 33.48% 29.91% 5.78% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Dividends 32.46%
* Dividends per share  10 Yr Med and Cur. 30.60% 17.83% 5 Yr Med and Cur. 30.77% 17.08% Last Div Inc ---> $0.565 $0.590 4.42% 6.30% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Dividends 84.27%
Dividends Growth 15 5.66% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Dividends 128.50%
Dividends Growth 20 7.68% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Dividends 339.42%
Dividends Growth 25 6.72% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Dividends 407.78%
Dividends Growth 30 6.12% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Dividends 493.51%
Dividends Growth 35 5.78% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Dividends 614.06%
Dividends Growth 40 5.91% <-IRR #YR-> 40 Dividends 893.48%
Dividends Growth 45 6.17% <-IRR #YR-> 42 Dividends
Dividends Growth 5 -$1.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 5
Dividends Growth 10 -$1.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 10
Dividends Growth 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 15
Dividends Growth 20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 20
Dividends Growth 25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 25
Dividends Growth 30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 30
Dividends Growth 35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 35
Dividends Growth 40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 40
Dividends Growth 45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.29 Dividends Growth 45
Historical Dividends Historical High Div 7.56% Low Div 3.47% 10 Yr High 4.50% 10 Yr Low 3.62% Med Div 3.71% Close Div 4.07% Historical Dividends
High/Ave/Median Values Curr diff Exp. -42.30%     25.71% Exp. -3.06% 20.51% Cheap 17.58% Cheap 7.12% High/Ave/Median 
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield $0.06 earning in 5 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 32.46% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield 7.65% earning in 10 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 75.47% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Yield Div Yield 10.14% earning in 15 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 132.43% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Paid Div Yield $3.13 earning in 5 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 32.46% Future Dividend Yield
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $4.14 earning in 10 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 75.47% Future Dividend Paid
Future Dividend Paid Div Paid $5.49 earning in 15 Years at IRR of 5.78% Div Inc. 132.43% Future Dividend Paid
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $13.76 over 5 Years at IRR of 7.68% Div Cov. 25.43% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $30.26 over 10 Years at IRR of 7.68% Div Cov. 55.93% Dividend Covering Cost
Dividend Covering Cost Total Div $54.15 over 15 Years at IRR of 7.68% Div Cov. 100.10% Dividend Covering Cost
I am earning GC Div Gr 615.15% 11/13/87 # yrs -> 36 1987 $4.65 Cap Gain 1063.44% I am earning GC
I am earning Div org yield 7.10% 12/31/23 Trading Div G Yrly 5.59% Div start $0.33 -7.10% 50.75% I am earning Div
I am earning GC Div Gr 448.84% 11/15/95 # yrs -> 28 1995 $6.86 Cap Gain 688.63% I am earning GC
I am earning Div org yield 6.27% 12/31/23 RRSP Div G Yrly 6.24% Div start $0.43 -6.27% 34.40% I am earning Div
Yield if held 5 years 4.58% 4.40% 4.92% 5.07% 4.66% 4.75% 4.90% 5.33% 5.19% 5.09% 5.08% 4.85% 5.27% 4.67% 4.51% 4.28% 5.07% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 10 years 11.34% 9.88% 9.04% 8.00% 6.52% 6.03% 5.96% 6.85% 7.24% 6.47% 6.38% 6.55% 7.06% 6.70% 6.20% 5.85% 6.53% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 15 years 15.04% 13.01% 11.95% 14.87% 17.37% 14.91% 13.38% 12.57% 11.42% 9.06% 8.10% 7.96% 9.07% 9.35% 7.88% 7.35% 11.99% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 20 years 20.51% 20.65% 18.81% 19.05% 21.36% 19.77% 17.62% 16.63% 21.23% 24.12% 20.05% 17.87% 16.65% 14.74% 11.03% 9.33% 19.41% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 25 years 25.42% 24.51% 26.19% 24.11% 26.49% 26.96% 27.96% 26.16% 27.20% 29.67% 26.58% 23.52% 22.02% 27.42% 29.39% 23.08% 26.53% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 30 years 46.40% 46.83% 36.23% 34.78% 31.77% 33.42% 33.20% 36.43% 34.42% 36.79% 36.24% 37.33% 34.65% 35.13% 36.13% 30.60% 34.72% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 35 years 61.00% 63.41% 50.40% 49.66% 44.12% 44.93% 44.33% 48.26% 44.44% 44.81% 41.72% 48.96% <-Median-> 8 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 40 years 82.00% 84.68% 66.76% 64.13% 53.74% 51.73% 82.00% <-Median-> 3 Paid Median Price
Yield if held 45 years 94.40%
Cost covered if held 5 years 20.32% 20.26% 22.88% 23.77% 20.94% 20.67% 21.31% 23.31% 22.97% 22.69% 22.71% 21.71% 23.68% 21.38% 21.44% 20.94% 22.70% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 10 years 77.68% 71.30% 68.34% 63.20% 51.08% 46.56% 46.18% 52.86% 55.85% 49.78% 49.19% 50.60% 55.03% 53.62% 52.16% 51.28% 50.84% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 15 years 132.42% 118.95% 113.38% 146.29% 168.41% 142.62% 129.47% 123.36% 113.78% 91.48% 82.79% 81.82% 93.65% 98.65% 87.25% 85.09% 118.57% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 20 years 216.19% 224.61% 210.96% 220.06% 241.27% 218.52% 195.53% 186.15% 240.38% 275.99% 232.25% 209.43% 198.20% 181.26% 143.96% 128.38% 219.29% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 25 years 305.22% 302.77% 332.43% 314.06% 336.35% 333.58% 346.16% 325.47% 340.58% 373.56% 337.35% 300.79% 285.14% 365.90% 415.76% 345.07% 334.96% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 30 years 606.52% 630.46% 501.55% 494.51% 440.15% 450.75% 447.10% 491.88% 466.56% 500.41% 495.61% 513.21% 481.22% 501.37% 545.42% 486.91% 486.55% <-Median-> 10 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 35 years 872.12% 906.17% 722.15% 714.55% 636.90% 651.63% 645.46% 708.78% 670.00% 713.56% 699.54% 711.66% <-Median-> 8 Paid Median Price Tot. Growth
Cost covered if held 40 years 1238.72% 1285.09% 1022.22% 1008.10% 892.52% 904.45% 1238.72% <-Median-> 3 Paid Median Price
Cost covered if held 45 years 1700.12%
Yr  Item
Revenue Growth  $8,390 $8,783 $8,935 $9,448 $11,043 $11,517 $11,633 <-12 mths 1.01% 37.27% <-Total Growth 5 Revenue Growth  37.27%
AEPS Growth $2.51 $2.55 $2.57 $2.59 $2.78 $3.09 $2.27 <-12 mths -26.54% 23.11% <-Total Growth 5 AEPS Growth 23.11%
Net Income Growth $1,100 $1,655 $1,209 $1,231 $1,330 $1,506 $1,655 <-12 mths 9.90% 36.91% <-Total Growth 5 Net Income Growth 36.91%
Cash Flow Growth $2,604 $2,663 $2,701 $2,907 $3,074 $3,545 36.14% <-Total Growth 5 Cash Flow Growth 36.14%
Dividend Growth $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $2.29 $2.36 <-12 mths 3.28% 32.46% <-Total Growth 5 Dividend Growth 32.46%
Stock Price Growth $45.51 $53.88 $52.00 $61.03 $54.18 $54.51 $54.10 <-12 mths -0.75% 19.78% <-Total Growth 5 Stock Price Growth 19.78%
Revenue Growth  $4,047 $5,401 $6,727 $6,838 $8,301 $8,390 $8,783 $8,935 $9,448 $11,043 $11,517 $11,992 <-this year 4.12% 184.58% <-Total Growth 10 Revenue Growth  184.58%
AEPS Growth $1.69 $1.75 $2.11 $2.33 $2.53 $2.51 $2.55 $2.57 $2.59 $2.78 $3.09 $3.32 <-this year 7.44% 82.84% <-Total Growth 10 AEPS Growth 82.84%
Net Income Growth $353 $317 $728 $585 $963 $1,100 $1,655 $1,209 $1,231 $1,330 $1,506 $1,575 <-this year 4.58% 326.63% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income Growth 326.63%
Cash Flow Growth $899 $982 $1,673 $1,884 $2,756 $2,604 $2,663 $2,701 $2,907 $3,074 $3,545 $3,655 <-this year 3.10% 294.33% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow Growth 294.33%
Dividend Growth $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $2.29 $2.38 <-this year 4.33% 84.27% <-Total Growth 10 Dividend Growth 84.27%
Stock Price Growth $30.45 $38.96 $37.41 $41.46 $46.11 $45.51 $53.88 $52.00 $61.03 $54.18 $54.51 $54.10 <-this year -0.75% 79.01% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price Growth 79.01%
Dividends on Shares $42.24 $46.04 $50.33 $53.63 $56.93 $60.31 $63.94 $67.65 $71.61 $75.41 $77.88 $77.88 $77.88 $588.06 No of Years 10 Total Divs 12/31/13
Paid  $1,004.85 $1,285.68 $1,234.53 $1,368.18 $1,521.63 $1,501.83 $1,778.04 $1,716.00 $2,013.99 $1,787.94 $1,798.83 $1,785.30 $1,785.30 $1,844.04 $1,798.83 No of Years 10 Worth $30.45
Total $2,386.89
Graham Price AEPS $27.23 $28.48 $29.18 $31.31 $36.86 $41.16 $42.53 $44.33 $45.76 $46.00 $46.56 $50.17 $53.08 $54.89 $54.89 $56.19 81.93% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Price AEPS
Price/GP Ratio Med 1.18 1.16 1.11 1.13 1.03 0.98 1.05 0.98 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.14 1.06 0.98 1.08 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio High 1.29 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.14 1.08 1.14 1.06 1.24 1.28 1.31 1.30 1.16 1.02 1.20 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Low 1.07 1.12 1.02 0.95 0.93 0.88 0.96 0.90 0.97 1.00 1.05 0.98 0.95 0.93 0.96 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Close 1.23 1.20 1.04 1.24 1.01 1.01 1.08 1.03 1.18 1.13 1.31 1.08 1.03 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.08 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Prem/Disc Close 22.53% 20.15% 4.37% 24.44% 1.48% 0.73% 8.42% 2.66% 17.75% 13.05% 31.07% 7.98% 2.69% -1.44% -1.44% -0.56% 8.20% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
Graham Price EPS $27.16 $27.81 $29.52 $28.00 $40.84 $37.07 $40.64 $45.03 $47.78 $46.26 $46.74 $50.17 $53.17 $53.88 $55.13 $56.56 80.11% <-Total Growth 10 Graham Price EPS
Price/GP Ratio Med 1.18 1.19 1.10 1.26 0.93 1.09 1.10 0.96 1.06 1.13 1.18 1.14 1.05 1.00 1.09 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio High 1.29 1.23 1.19 1.45 1.03 1.20 1.20 1.04 1.19 1.27 1.31 1.30 1.16 1.04 1.20 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Low 1.07 1.15 1.01 1.07 0.84 0.98 1.01 0.88 0.93 0.99 1.05 0.98 0.95 0.95 0.98 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Price/GP Ratio Close 1.23 1.23 1.03 1.39 0.92 1.12 1.13 1.01 1.13 1.12 1.31 1.08 1.03 1.00 0.98 0.99 1.12 <-Median-> 10 Price/GP Ratio
Prem/Disc Close 22.88% 23.03% 3.15% 39.13% -8.41% 11.84% 13.47% 1.07% 12.77% 12.40% 30.57% 7.98% 2.53% 0.41% -1.86% -1.20% 12.12% <-Median-> 10 Graham Price
pre-split 2005
Price Close $33.37 $34.22 $30.45 $38.96 $37.41 $41.46 $46.11 $45.51 $53.88 $52.00 $61.03 $54.18 $54.51 $54.10 $54.10 $55.88 79.01% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase -1.80% 2.55% -11.02% 27.95% -3.98% 10.83% 11.22% -1.30% 18.39% -3.49% 17.37% -11.22% 0.61% -0.75% 0.00% 3.29% 19.49 <-Median-> 10 CAPE (10 Yr P/E)
P/E 19.18 20.74 17.60 27.83 14.44 21.94 19.96 17.57 19.38 20.00 23.38 19.49 18.71 18.71 18.71 18.71 3.67% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 19.78%
Trailing P/E 20.60 19.67 18.45 22.52 26.72 16.01 24.40 19.70 20.80 18.71 23.47 20.76 20.42 20.42 20.42 20.42 6.00% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 79.01%
CAPE (10 Yr P/E) 18.70 19.30 19.44 20.37 19.50 19.59 19.46 19.45 19.48 19.43 19.91 19.80 19.19 19.19 19.19 19.19 7.86% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend 46.13%
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 4.42% 4.18% % Tot Ret 42.46% 53.22% T P/E $20.78 $20.76 P/E:  $19.73 $19.49 10.42% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend 141.61%
Price 15 D.  per yr 4.21% % Tot Ret 44.22% CAPE Diff -3.98% 5.32% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Stock Price 117.52%
Price  20 D.  per yr 4.57% % Tot Ret 40.33% 6.76% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Stock Price 270.19%
Price  25 D.  per yr 4.67% % Tot Ret 39.31% 7.21% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Stock Price 470.04%
Price  30 D.  per yr 4.72% % Tot Ret 40.31% 6.99% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Stock Price 658.40%
Price  35 D.  per yr 5.19% % Tot Ret 42.42% 7.04% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Stock Price 983.16%
Price  40 D.  per yr 5.32% % Tot Ret 43.69% 6.85% <-IRR #YR-> 40 Stock Price 1317.69%
Price  45 D.  per yr 6.05% % Tot Ret 45.65% 7.20% <-IRR #YR-> 42 Stock Price
Price & Dividend 15 9.53% <-IRR #YR-> 15 Price & Dividend 215.60%
Price & Dividend 20 11.33% <-IRR #YR-> 20 Price & Dividend 458.42%
Price & Dividend 25 11.88% <-IRR #YR-> 25 Price & Dividend 784.11%
Price & Dividend 30 11.71% <-IRR #YR-> 30 Price & Dividend 1105.22%
Price & Dividend 35 12.23% <-IRR #YR-> 35 Price & Dividend 1656.39%
Price & Dividend 40 12.17% <-IRR #YR-> 40 Price & Dividend 2233.56%
Price & Dividend 45 13.25% <-IRR #YR-> 42 Price & Dividend
Price  5 -$45.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  5
Price 10 -$30.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price 10
Price & Dividend 5 -$45.51 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 5
Price & Dividend 10 -$30.45 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 10
Price 15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price 15
Price  20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  20
Price  25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  25
Price  30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  30
Price  35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  35
Price  40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  40
Price  45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $54.51 Price  45
Price & Dividend 15 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 15
Price & Dividend 20 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 20
Price & Dividend 25 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 25
Price & Dividend 30 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 30
Price & Dividend 35 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $56.80 Price & Dividend 35
Price & Dividend 40 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $54.51 Price & Dividend 40
Price & Dividend 45 $1.16 $1.20 $1.24 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $54.51 Price & Dividend 45
Price Median H/L $32.13 $33.15 $32.39 $35.25 $38.09 $40.37 $44.73 $43.37 $50.53 $52.37 $55.08 $57.03 $56.09 $53.64 3.29% 73.20% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 7.24% 3.17% -2.31% 8.83% 8.06% 5.99% 10.81% -3.04% 16.50% 3.64% 5.18% 3.53% -1.64% -4.38% 4.36% 5.65% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 73.20%
P/E 18.47 20.09 18.72 25.18 14.70 21.36 19.36 16.75 18.17 20.14 21.10 20.51 18.09 16.77 7.65% 5.28% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 29.33%
Trailing P/E 19.83 19.05 19.63 20.37 27.20 15.58 23.67 18.77 19.51 18.84 21.18 21.85 20.18 17.30 9.87% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Price & Dividend
P/E on Running 5 yr Average 20.81 20.59 19.63 21.65 20.90 21.80 22.55 20.12 20.78 21.51 21.37 21.34 20.22 18.77 9.54% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Price & Dividend
P/E on Running 10 yr Average 24.09 23.65 22.00 23.33 23.14 23.77 24.89 22.79 24.89 24.61 24.87 24.50 22.75 20.28 15.37 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs D.  per yr 4.22% 4.26% % Tot Ret 42.77% 44.65% T P/E 20.27 20.18 P/E:  19.75 20.14 Count 42 Years of data
-$32.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56.09
-$43.37 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56.09
-$32.39 $1.28 $1.40 $1.53 $1.63 $1.73 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $58.38
-$43.37 $1.83 $1.94 $2.05 $2.17 $58.38
Month Jan Apr May Nov Feb Jun Nov Dec Oct Feb Dec May May Jan
pre-split 2005
Price High $35.15 $34.26 $35.01 $40.61 $41.91 $44.53 $48.59 $47.05 $56.78 $58.83 $61.16 $65.05 $61.55 $56.07 75.81% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 2.90% -2.53% 2.19% 16.00% 3.20% 6.25% 9.12% -3.17% 20.68% 3.61% 3.96% 6.36% -5.38% -8.90% 5.80% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 75.81%
P/E 20.20 20.76 20.24 29.01 16.18 23.56 21.03 18.17 20.42 22.63 23.43 23.40 19.85 17.53 5.52% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 30.82%
Trailing P/E 21.70 19.69 21.22 23.47 29.94 17.19 25.71 20.37 21.92 21.16 23.52 24.92 22.14 18.09 17.47 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 22.81 22.14 P/E:  21.83 22.63 21.23 P/E Ratio Historical High
From my 1985 Notes 81 to 85
-$35.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.55
-$47.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.55
Month Aug Feb Dec Jan Sep Feb Jan Feb Jan Mar Feb Oct Oct Apr
pre-split 2005
Price Low $29.11 $32.04 $29.76 $29.88 $34.26 $36.20 $40.87 $39.69 $44.27 $45.90 $49.00 $49.00 $50.63 $51.20 70.13% <-Total Growth 10 Stock Price
Increase 13.00% 10.07% -7.12% 0.40% 14.66% 5.66% 12.90% -2.89% 11.54% 3.68% 6.75% 0.00% 3.33% 1.13% 5.46% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Stock Price 70.13%
P/E 16.73 19.42 17.20 21.34 13.23 19.15 17.69 15.32 15.92 17.65 18.77 17.63 16.33 16.01 4.99% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Stock Price 27.56%
Trailing P/E 17.97 18.41 18.04 17.27 24.47 13.98 21.62 17.18 17.09 16.51 18.85 18.77 18.21 16.52 13.15 P/E Ratio Historical Median
Median 10, 5 Yrs T P/E 17.74 18.21 P/E:  17.64 17.63 8.40 P/E Ratio Historical Low
From my 1985 Notes 81 to 85
-$29.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.63
-$39.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50.63
Free Cash Flow WSJ -$674 -$458 -$28 -$57 -$428 -$836 -$1,156 -$282 -$513 -$441 34.57% <-Total Growth 9 Free Cash Flow WSJ, Mkt Sc
Change 32.05% 93.89% -103.57% -650.88% -95.33% -38.28% 75.61% -81.91% 14.04% -$0.38 <-Median-> 9 Change Agree
Free Cash Flow MS -$256 -$154 -$276 -$743 -$570 -$177 -$268 -$614 -$1,057 -$1,338 -$479 -$479 -$624 $1,967 $2,089 $361 -126.09% <-Total Growth 10 Free Cash Flow MS doesn't
Change 24.93% 39.84% -79.22% -169.20% 23.28% 68.95% -51.41% -129.10% -72.15% -26.58% 64.20% 0.00% -30.27% 415.22% 6.20% -82.70% 0.32% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Free Cash Flow MS -1.63%
FCF/CF from Op Ratio -0.28 -0.16 -0.31 -0.76 -0.34 -0.09 -0.10 -0.24 -0.40 -0.50 -0.16 -0.16 -0.18 0.54 0.56 0.10 8.50% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Free Cash Flow MS -126.09%
Dividends paid $151 $170 $181 $194 $232 $316 $419 $459 $494 $786 $608 $673 $673 $1,158 $1,158 $1,158 271.82% <-Total Growth 10 Dividends paid
Percentage paid -26.11% -40.70% -178.53% -156.34% -74.76% -46.74% -58.74% -126.93% -140.50% -107.85% 58.86% 55.42% 320.46% -$0.91 <-Median-> 10 Percentage paid
5 Year Covrage -146.42% -139.90% -139.61% -135.79% -131.36% -122.97% -24.45% 57.94% 68.77% 5 Year Covrage
Dividend Coverage Ratio -3.83 -2.46 -0.56 -0.64 -1.34 -2.14 -1.70 -0.79 -0.71 -0.93 1.70 1.80 0.31 -1.13 <-Median-> 10 Dividend Coverage Ratio
5 Year of Coverage -1.46 -1.40 -1.40 -1.36 -1.31 -1.23 -0.24 0.58 0.69 5 Year of Coverage
$614 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$624
$276 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$624
Market Cap $6,301 $6,555 $6,491 $10,753 $10,533 $16,646 $19,417 $19,501 $24,963 $24,274 $28,977 $26,126 $26,743 $26,541 $26,541 $27,415 312.00% <-Total Growth 10 Market Cap
pre-split 2005
Diluted # of Shares in Million 190 197.2 209.3 226.1 284.7 313.4 416.2 425.2 437.5 465.4 471.4 479 486.5 486.5 132.44% <-Total Growth 10 Diluted
Change 1.55% 3.79% 6.14% 8.03% 25.92% 10.08% 32.80% 2.16% 2.89% 6.38% 1.29% 1.61% 1.57% 0.00% 4.63% <-Median-> 10 Change
Difference Diluted/Basic -4.42% -3.65% -3.25% -0.22% -2.14% -1.44% -0.17% -0.12% -0.16% -0.13% -0.11% -0.08% -0.04% -0.04% -0.14% <-Median-> 10 Difference Diluted/Basic
Basic # of Shares in Millions 181.6 190.0 202.5 225.6 278.6 308.9 415.5 424.7 436.8 464.8 470.9 478.6 486.3 486.3 140.15% <-Total Growth 10 Basic
Change 5.03% 4.63% 6.58% 11.41% 23.49% 10.88% 34.51% 2.21% 2.85% 6.41% 1.31% 1.64% 1.61% 0.00% 4.63% <-Median-> 10 Change
Difference Basic/Outstanding 4.0% 0.8% 5.3% 22.3% 1.1% 30.0% 1.3% 0.9% 6.1% 0.4% 0.8% 0.8% 0.9% 0.9% 0.98% <-Median-> 10 Difference Basic/Outstanding
Why increases?
pre-split 2005
# of Share in Millions 188.828 191.566 213.165 275.997 281.562 401.486 421.1 428.5 463.3 466.8 474.8 482.2 490.6 490.6 490.6 490.6 8.69% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Shares
Change 8.28% 1.45% 11.27% 29.48% 2.02% 42.59% 4.89% 1.76% 8.12% 0.76% 1.71% 1.56% 1.74% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.74% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Shares
CF fr Op $M $904.0 $976.0 $899.0 $982.0 $1,673.0 $1,884.0 $2,756 $2,604 $2,663 $2,701 $2,907 $3,074 $3,545 $3,655 $3,758 $3,778 294.33% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow
Increase 23.50% 7.96% -7.89% 9.23% 70.37% 12.61% 46.28% -5.52% 2.27% 1.43% 7.63% 5.74% 15.32% 3.10% 2.82% 0.52% S. Issue, SO DRIP, ESPP Deb. Conv.
5 year Running Average $662 $782 $830 $899 $1,087 $1,283 $1,639 $1,980 $2,316 $2,522 $2,726 $2,790 $2,978 $3,176 $3,388 $3,562 258.97% <-Total Growth 10 CF 5 Yr Running
CFPS $4.79 $5.09 $4.22 $3.56 $5.94 $4.69 $6.54 $6.08 $5.75 $5.79 $6.12 $6.37 $7.23 $7.45 $7.66 $7.70 71.33% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow per Share
Increase 14.06% 6.42% -17.22% -15.63% 67.00% -21.03% 39.47% -7.15% -5.42% 0.67% 5.81% 4.12% 13.35% 3.10% 2.82% 0.52% 14.71% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow 294.33%
5 year Running Average $3.80 $4.34 $4.40 $4.37 $4.72 $4.70 $4.99 $5.36 $5.80 $5.77 $6.06 $6.02 $6.25 $6.59 $6.97 $7.28 6.36% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow 36.14%
P/CF on Med Price 6.71 6.51 7.68 9.91 6.41 8.60 6.83 7.14 8.79 9.05 9.00 8.95 7.76 7.20 0.00 0.00 5.53% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow per Share 71.33%
P/CF on Closing Price 6.97 6.72 7.22 10.95 6.30 8.84 7.05 7.49 9.37 8.99 9.97 8.50 7.54 7.26 7.06 7.26 3.52% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow per Share 18.90%
-16.49% Diff M/C 3.57% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 41.97%
Excl.Working Capital CF -$98.0 -$78.0 $45.0 $124.0 -$41.0 -$22.0 $97 $102 $168 $434 $144 $479 $81 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 3.11% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 16.57%
CF fr Op $M WC $806.0 $898.0 $944.0 $1,106.0 $1,632.0 $1,862.0 $2,853 $2,706 $2,831 $3,135 $3,051 $3,553 $3,626 $3,655.0 $3,758.0 $3,777.6 284.11% <-Total Growth 10 Cash Flow less WC
Increase 9.81% 11.41% 5.12% 17.16% 47.56% 14.09% 53.22% -5.15% 4.62% 10.74% -2.68% 16.45% 2.05% 0.80% 2.82% 0.52% 14.41% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Cash Flow less WC 284.11%
5 year Running Average $666 $748 $812 $898 $1,077 $1,288 $1,679 $2,032 $2,377 $2,677 $2,915 $3,055 $3,239 $3,404 $3,529 $3,674 6.03% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Cash Flow less WC 34.00%
CFPS Excl. WC $4.27 $4.69 $4.43 $4.01 $5.80 $4.64 $6.78 $6.32 $6.11 $6.72 $6.43 $7.37 $7.39 $7.45 $7.66 $7.70 14.84% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 298.92%
Increase 1.41% 9.82% -5.53% -9.51% 44.64% -19.99% 46.09% -6.79% -3.24% 9.91% -4.32% 14.67% 0.31% 0.80% 2.82% 0.52% 9.78% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CF less WC 5 Yr Run 59.43%
5 year Running Average $3.85 $4.16 $4.31 $4.32 $4.64 $4.71 $5.13 $5.51 $5.93 $6.11 $6.47 $6.59 $6.80 $7.07 $7.26 $7.51 5.26% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS - Less WC 66.90%
P/CF on Med Price 7.53 7.07 7.31 8.80 6.57 8.70 6.60 6.87 8.27 7.80 8.57 7.74 7.59 7.20 0.00 0.00 3.20% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS - Less WC 17.04%
P/CF on Closing Price 7.82 7.30 6.88 9.72 6.45 8.94 6.81 7.21 8.82 7.74 9.50 7.35 7.38 7.26 7.06 7.26 4.67% <-IRR #YR-> 10 CFPS 5 yr Running 57.81%
*Operational Cash Flow per share (Shares is average o/s) CF/-WC P/CF Med 10 yr 8.70 5 yr  8.95 P/CF Med 10 yr 7.77 5 yr  7.80 -6.52% Diff M/C 4.32% <-IRR #YR-> 5 CFPS 5 yr Running 23.54%
-213.165 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 490.600 Shares
-428.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 490.600 Shares
-$899 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,545 Cash Flow
-$2,604 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,545 Cash Flow
-$4.31 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.80 CFPS 5 yr Running
-$5.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.80 CFPS 5 yr Running
chge in non-cash Operating WC -$45.0 -$124.0 $41.0 \
Accts Rec and other current assets $43.0 -$74 -$204 $1 -$84 -$88 -$479 $142
Prepaid Expenses -$4.0 -$3 $1 -$8 -$15 -$15 -$22 -$7
Inventories $17.0 -$6 -$8 -$13 -$36 -$56 -$153 -$1
Regulatory Assets - current portion -$58.0 $39 $16 -$75 -$49 -$99 -$307 $104
Accts Pay and other current Liab $25.0 $119 $99 -$8 -$100 $164 $449 -$390
Regulatory Liab - current portion -$1.0 -$172 -$6 -$65 -$150 -$50 $33 $71
Chge in long term reg. Assets, Liab
Sum -$45 -$124 $41 $22 -$97 -$102 -$168 -$434 -$144 -$479 -$81 Statements says chge in WC
Google --TD -$45.0 -$124.0 $41.0 $22 -$29 -$89 -$168.0 -$434 -$144 -$479 -$81
Difference $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0 -$68 -$13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Sum $0.0 $22 -$97.0 -$102.0 I have not idea when TD gets
TD Bank 2020 -$31.0 -$204.0 $41.0 $22 -$97 -$102.0 Their figures from.
Difference $0 $0.0 $0.0 Morningstar is same as TD
OPM 24.13% 26.71% 22.21% 18.18% 24.87% 27.55% 33.20% 31.04% 30.32% 30.23% 30.77% 27.84% 30.78% 30.48% 38.56% <-Total Growth 10 OPM
Increase 20.76% 10.71% -16.83% -18.15% 36.78% 10.78% 20.50% -6.52% -2.31% -0.30% 1.78% -9.53% 10.58% -0.98% Should increase  or be stable.
Diff from Ave -20.3% -11.8% -26.6% -39.9% -17.9% -9.0% 9.7% 2.5% 0.1% -0.1% 1.6% -8.1% 1.7% 0.7% 0.00 <-Median-> 10 OPM
*Operational Profit Margin (CF/Revenue) Ratio OPM 10 Yrs 30.27% 5 Yrs 30.32% should be zero,  it is a check  on calculations
$7,026 <-12 mths 44.66%
EBITDA $4,388 $3,936 $3,974 $4,408 $4,857 $5,326 $5,580 $6,079 EBITDA From Mk Sc
Change -10.30% 0.97% 10.92% 10.19% 9.66% 4.77% 8.94% 5.58% <-Median-> 4 Change
Margin 49.96% 44.05% 42.06% 39.92% 42.17% 44.41% 44.52% 47.08% 42.17% <-Median-> 5 Margin
Long Term Debt $5,685 $5,783 $6,424 $9,996 $10,784 $20,817 $20,691 $23,159 $21,501 $23,113 $23,707 $25,931 $27,235 $27,235 323.96% <-Total Growth 10 Long Term Debt Type
Change 1.35% 1.72% 11.08% 55.60% 7.88% 93.04% -0.61% 11.93% -7.16% 7.50% 2.57% 9.38% 5.03% 0.00% 7.69% <-Median-> 10 Change Lg Term R
Debt/Market Cap Ratio 0.90 0.88 0.99 0.93 1.02 1.25 1.07 1.19 0.86 0.95 0.82 0.99 1.02 1.03 1.01 <-Median-> 10 Debt/Market Cap Ratio Intang/GW
Assets/Current Liabilities Ratio 10.27 11.43 8.59 9.92 10.92 12.15 13.65 12.48 12.79 13.38 12.01 9.71 11.05 11.05 12.08 <-Median-> 10 Assets/Current Liab. Ratio Liquidity
Debt to Cash Flow (Years) 6.29 5.93 7.15 10.18 6.45 11.05 7.51 8.89 8.07 8.56 8.16 8.44 7.68 7.45 8.30 <-Median-> 10 Debt to Cash Flow (Years) Liq. + CF
Liq. +CF+D
Intangibles $325 $325 $345 $488 $541 $1,011 $1,081 $1,200 $1,260 $1,291 $1,343 $1,548 $1,510 $1,510 337.68% <-Total Growth 10 Intangibles Debt Ratio
Goodwill $1,565 $1,568 $2,075 $4,220 $4,173 $12,364 $11,644 $12,530 $12,004 $11,792 $11,720 $12,464 $12,184 $12,184 487.18% <-Total Growth 10 Goodwill Leverage
Total $1,890 $1,893 $2,420 $4,708 $4,714 $13,375 $12,725 $13,730 $13,264 $13,083 $13,063 $14,012 $13,694 $13,694 465.87% <-Total Growth 10 Total D/E Ratio
Change 0.69% 0.16% 27.84% 94.55% 0.13% 183.73% -4.86% 7.90% -3.39% -1.36% -0.15% 7.26% -2.27% 0.00% -0.01% <-Median-> 10 Change
Intangible/Market Cap Ratio 0.30 0.29 0.37 0.44 0.45 0.80 0.66 0.70 0.53 0.54 0.45 0.54 0.51 0.52 0.53 <-Median-> 10 Intangible/Market Cap Ratio
Current Assets $1,120 $1,093 $1,296 $1,963 $1,857 $2,166 $2,207 $3,261 $2,574 $2,612 $2,728 $4,269 $4,025 $4,025 Liquidity ratio of 1.5 and up, best
Current Liabilities $1,320 $1,308 $2,084 $2,684 $2,638 $3,944 $3,504 $4,252 $4,176 $4,148 $4,802 $6,617 $5,964 $5,964 0.64 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Liquidity Ratio 0.85 0.84 0.62 0.73 0.70 0.55 0.63 0.77 0.62 0.63 0.57 0.65 0.67 0.67 0.63 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 1.37 1.41 0.93 0.97 1.19 0.87 1.22 1.21 1.05 1.06 0.97 0.95 1.08 1.09 1.05 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. CF re  Inv+Div  0.74 0.77 0.45 0.38 0.78 0.32 0.66 0.68 0.63 0.53 0.56 0.59 0.66 1.09 0.59 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Portion of Lg Term $106 $117 $780 $505 $384 $251 $705 $926 $690 $1,254 $1,628 $2,481 $2,296 $2,296
Liquidity Less CLTD 0.92 0.92 0.99 0.90 0.82 0.59 0.79 0.98 0.74 0.90 0.86 1.03 1.10 1.10 0.90 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Liq. with CF aft div 1.49 1.54 1.48 1.19 1.39 0.93 1.53 1.54 1.26 1.52 1.47 1.52 1.76 1.78 1.52 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Assets 13,562 14,950 17,908 26,628 28,804 47,904 47,822 53,051 53,404 55,481 57,659 64,252 65,920 $65,920 Debt Ratio of 1.5 and up, best
Liabilities  8,885 9,540 11,532 17,516 18,451 31,454 31,073 34,595 33,291 35,197 36,743 41,410 42,588 $42,588 1.55 <-Median-> 10 Ratio
Debt Ratio 1.53 1.57 1.55 1.52 1.56 1.52 1.54 1.53 1.60 1.58 1.57 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.57 <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Preferred Shares as Debt 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liabilities do include any preferred share 
Estimates BVPS $43.70 $44.90 $46.30 Estimates Estimates BVPS
Estimate Book Value $21,439.2 $22,027.9 $22,714.8 Estimates Estimate Book Value
P/B Ratio (Close) 1.24 1.20 1.21 Estimates P/B Ratio (Close)
Difference from 10 year median -1.69% Diff M/C Estimates Difference from 10 yr med.
Total Book Value $4,677 $5,410 $6,376 $9,112 $10,353 $16,450 $16,749 $18,456 $20,113 $20,284 $20,916 $22,842 $23,332 $23,332 265.93% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value
Non-Control. Int. $208 $310 $375 $421 $473 $1,853 $1,746 $1,923 $1,582 $1,582 $1,628 $1,812 $1,827 $1,923 387.20% <-Total Growth 10 Non-Control. Int.
Shareholders' Equity $4,469 $5,100 $6,001 $8,691 $9,880 $14,597 $15,003 $16,533 $18,531 $18,702 $19,288 $21,030 $21,505 $21,409 258.36% <-Total Growth 10 Shareholders' Equity
Book Value per Share $23.67 $26.62 $28.15 $31.49 $35.09 $36.36 $35.63 $38.58 $40.00 $40.06 $40.62 $43.61 $43.83 $43.64 55.71% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value per Share
P/B Ratio (Median) 1.36 1.25 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.11 1.26 1.12 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.31 1.28 1.23 1.26 <-Median-> 10 P/BV
Preferred Shares as Equity $912 $1,108 $1,229 $1,820 $1,820 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 $1,623 32.06% <-Total Growth 10 Preferred Shares as Eq
Book Value $3,557 $3,992 $4,772 $6,871 $8,060 $12,974 $13,380 $14,910 $16,908 $17,079 $17,665 $19,407 $19,882 $19,786 $19,786 $19,786 316.64% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value
Book Value per Share $18.84 $20.84 $22.39 $24.90 $28.63 $32.31 $31.77 $34.80 $36.49 $36.59 $37.21 $40.25 $40.53 $40.33 $40.33 $40.33 81.03% <-Total Growth 10 Book Value per Share
Change -0.60% 10.63% 7.43% 11.21% 14.99% 12.89% -1.67% 9.51% 4.88% 0.25% 1.69% 8.18% 0.69% -0.48% 0.00% 0.00% -3.08% P/B Ratio Current/Historical Median
P/B Ratio (Median) 1.71 1.59 1.45 1.42 1.33 1.25 1.41 1.25 1.38 1.43 1.48 1.42 1.38 1.33 0.00 0.00 1.38 P/B Ratio Historical Median
P/B Ratio (Close) 1.77 1.64 1.36 1.56 1.31 1.28 1.45 1.31 1.48 1.42 1.64 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.34 1.39 6.11% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Book Value per Share 81.03%
Change -1.20% -7.30% -17.17% 15.05% -16.49% -1.83% 13.11% -9.87% 12.88% -3.73% 15.42% -17.93% -0.08% -0.27% 0.00% 3.29% 3.10% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Book Value per Share 16.47%
Leverage (A/BK) 2.90 2.76 2.81 2.92 2.78 2.91 2.86 2.87 2.66 2.74 2.76 2.81 2.83 2.83 2.82 <-Median-> 10 A/BV
Debt/Equity Ratio 1.90 1.76 1.81 1.92 1.78 1.91 1.86 1.87 1.66 1.74 1.76 1.81 1.83 1.83 1.82 <-Median-> 10 Debt/Eq Ratio
Sharerholders Equity (Assets less liabilities) P/BV 10 yr Med 1.40 5 yr Med 1.42 -3.92% Diff M/C 2.87 Historical 37 A/BV
Comprehensive Income $376 $370 $444 $591 $1,502 $667 $342 $2,277 $1,185 $1,051 $1,320 $2,687 $1,314 195.95% <-Total Growth 10 Comprehensive Income
NCI $9 $9 $10 $11 $35 $53 -$2 $244 $55 $79 $100 $245 $96 860.00% <-Total Growth 10 NCI
Preference shareholders $29 $47 $57 $62 $77 $75 $65 $66 $67 $65 $63 $64 $67 17.54% <-Total Growth 10 Preference shareholders
Shareholders $338 $314 $377 $518 $1,390 $539 $279 $1,967 $1,063 $907 $1,157 $2,378 $1,151 205.31% <-Total Growth 10 Comprehensive Income
Increase 23.36% -7.10% 20.06% 37.40% 168.34% -61.22% -48.24% 605.02% -45.96% -14.68% 27.56% 105.53% -51.60% -14.68% <-Median-> 5 Comprehensive Income
5 Yr Running Average $265 $294 $310 $364 $587 $628 $621 $939 $1,048 $951 $1,075 $1,494 $1,331 11.81% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Comprehensive Income 205.31%
ROE 7.2% 5.8% 5.9% 5.7% 13.4% 3.3% 1.7% 10.7% 5.3% 4.5% 5.5% 10.4% 4.9% -10.16% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Comprehensive Income -41.48%
5Yr Median 6.8% 6.8% 6.8% 5.9% 5.9% 5.8% 5.7% 5.7% 5.3% 4.5% 5.3% 5.5% 5.3% 15.67% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Average 328.87%
% Difference from NI 6.3% -26.4% -20.1% 23.2% 48.6% -27.3% -76.9% 44.5% -46.0% -36.8% -20.6% 51.9% -34.9% 7.24% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Average 41.83%
Median Values Diff 5, 10 yr -24.0% -34.9% 5.3% <-Median-> 5 Return on Equity
Current Liability Coverage Ratio 0.61 0.69 0.45 0.41 0.62 0.47 0.81 0.64 0.68 0.76 0.64 0.54 0.61 0.61   CFO / Current Liabilities
5 year Median 0.43 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.61 0.47 0.47 0.62 0.64 0.68 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.61 62.7% <-Median-> 10 Current Liability Cov Ratio
Asset Efficiency Ratio 5.94% 6.01% 5.27% 4.15% 5.67% 3.89% 5.97% 5.10% 5.30% 5.65% 5.29% 5.53% 5.50% 5.54% CFO / Total Assets
5 year Median 5.58% 5.69% 5.69% 5.69% 5.67% 5.27% 5.27% 5.10% 5.30% 5.30% 5.30% 5.30% 5.50% 5.53% 5.3% <-Median-> 10 Return on Assets 
Return on Assets ROA 2.34% 2.11% 1.97% 1.19% 2.53% 1.22% 2.01% 2.07% 3.10% 2.18% 2.13% 2.07% 2.28% 2.39% Net  Income/Assets Return on Assets
5Yr Median 2.19% 2.19% 2.15% 2.11% 2.11% 1.97% 1.97% 2.01% 2.07% 2.07% 2.13% 2.13% 2.18% 2.18% 2.1% <-Median-> 10 Asset Efficiency Ratio
Return on Equity ROE 6.80% 7.89% 7.40% 4.61% 9.03% 4.51% 7.20% 7.38% 9.79% 7.08% 6.97% 6.85% 7.57% 7.96% Net Inc/ Shareholders' equity Return on Equity
5Yr Median 6.92% 7.02% 7.15% 7.02% 7.40% 7.40% 7.20% 7.20% 7.38% 7.20% 7.20% 7.08% 7.08% 7.08% 7.2% <-Median-> 10 Return on Equity
$1,655 <-12 mths 9.90% Estimates last 12 months from Qtr.
Basic EPS x Basic Shares $318 $315 $352 $318 $727 $584 $964 $1,100 $1,219 $1,208 $1,229 $1,331 $1,508 327.85% <-Total Growth 10 Basic EPS x Basic Shares
Increase 11.40% -0.76% 11.72% -9.72% 128.59% -19.71% 65.11% 14.11% 10.79% -0.84% 1.70% 8.26% 13.30%
Net Income $356 $371 $420 $390 $840 $713 $1,125 $1,286 $1,852 $1,389 $1,405 $1,514 $1,710 307.14% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income
NCI $9 $9 $10 $11 $35 $53 $97 $120 $130 $115 $111 $120 $137 1270.00% <-Total Growth 10 NCI
Preference shareholders $29 $47 $57 $62 $77 $75 $65 $66 $67 $65 $63 $64 $67 17.54% <-Total Growth 10 Preference shareholders
Shareholders $318 $315 $353 $317 $728 $585 $963 $1,100 $1,655 $1,209 $1,231 $1,330 $1,506 $1,575 $1,681 $1,818 326.63% <-Total Growth 10 Net Income
Increase 11.58% -0.94% 12.06% -10.20% 129.65% -19.64% 64.62% 14.23% 50.45% -26.95% 1.82% 8.04% 13.23% 4.58% 6.73% 8.15% EPS/CF Ratio should not be higher than 1.00
5 Yr Running Average $260.6 $285.0 $306.6 $317.6 $406.2 $459.6 $589.2 $738.6 $1,006.2 $1,102.4 $1,231.6 $1,305.0 $1,386.2 $1,370.2 $1,464.6 $1,582.0 15.61% <-IRR #YR-> 10 Net Income 326.63%
Operating Cash Flow $904 $976 $899 $982 $1,673 $1,884 $2,756 $2,604 $2,663 $2,701 $2,907 $3,074 $3,545 6.48% <-IRR #YR-> 5 Net Income 36.91%
Investment Cash Flow -$1,125 -$1,080 -$2,164 -$4,199 -$1,368 -$6,891 -$3,025 -$3,252 -$2,768 -$4,132 -$3,488 -$4,059 -$3,742 16.29% <-IRR #YR-> 10 5 Yr Running Ave. 352.12%
Total Accruals $539 $419 $1,618 $3,534 $423 $5,592 $1,232 $1,748 $1,760 $2,640 $1,812 $2,315 $1,703 13.42% <-IRR #YR-> 5 5 Yr Running Ave. 87.68%
Total Assets $13,562 $14,950 $17,908 $26,628 $28,804 $47,904 $47,822 $53,051 $53,404 $55,481 $57,659 $64,252 $65,920 Balance Sheet Assets
Accruals Ratio 3.97% 2.80% 9.04% 13.27% 1.47% 11.67% 2.58% 3.29% 3.30% 4.76% 3.14% 3.60% 2.58% 3.30% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
EPS/CF Ratio 0.41 0.35 0.39 0.35 0.45 0.41 0.34 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.41 0.38 0.42 0.41 <-Median-> 10 EPS/CF Ratio
-$353 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,506
-$1,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,506
-$307 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,386
-$739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,386
Chge in Close -1.80% 2.55% -11.02% 27.95% -3.98% 10.83% 11.22% -1.30% 18.39% -3.49% 17.37% -11.22% 0.61% -0.75% 0.00% 3.29% count 30 Change in Close
Expected? Down Down down count 15
Happened? Yes % right count 3 20.00%
Financial Cash Flow $201 $171 $1,186 $3,361 -$346 $5,050 $339 $644 $154 $1,327 $451 $1,035 $613 C F Statement  Financial CF
Total Accruals $338 $248 $432 $173 $769 $542 $893 $1,104 $1,606 $1,313 $1,361 $1,280 $1,090 Accruals
Accruals Ratio 2.5% 1.7% 2.4% 0.6% 2.7% 1.1% 1.9% 2.1% 3.0% 2.4% 2.4% 2.0% 1.7% 2.36% <-Median-> 5 Ratio
Cash $89 $154 $72 $230 $242 $269 $327 $332 $370 $249 $131 $209 $625 $625 Cash
Cash per Share $0.47 $0.80 $0.34 $0.83 $0.86 $0.67 $0.78 $0.77 $0.80 $0.53 $0.28 $0.43 $1.27 $1.27 $0.53 <-Median-> 5 Cash per Share
Percentage of Stock Price 1.41% 2.35% 1.11% 2.14% 2.30% 1.62% 1.68% 1.70% 1.48% 1.03% 0.45% 0.80% 2.34% 2.35% 1.03% <-Median-> 5 % of Stock Price
Where 2016 report is available.
April 23, 2024.  Last estimates were for 2023, 2024 and 2025 of 11274M, $11820M, and $12084M for Revenue, $374, $3.89 2023/4 for AFFO, $2.95, $3.12 and $3.29 AEPS, 2.96, $3.13 and $3.33 EPS, 
$2.28, $2.40, $2.41 Dividend, $830M, $1293M, $905M FCF, $7.19, $7.42, $7.99 CFPS, $42.00, $43.20 $45.90 BVPS, $1444M, $1550M $1659M Net Income.
March 2024 noticed This stock was on NYSE not OTC.   When on NYSE in 2016.
April 28, 2023.  Last estimates were for 2022, 2023 and 2024 of $9815M, $10296M and $10409M for Revenue, $3.21 and $3.56 2022/3for AFFO, $2.81, 2.99 and $3.17 for AEPS, $2.80, $2.99 and $3.15 for EPS, 
$2.17, $2.30 and $2.46 for Dividends, $1533M, $1694M and $1801M for FCF, $6.91, $6.98 and $7.67 for CFPS, $39.60, $38.40 and $41.70 for BVPS, and $1343M, $1447M and $1532M for Net Income.
April 25, 2022.  Last estimates were for 2021, 2022 and 2023 of $9353, $9639 and $9751 for Revenue, $3.12 and $3.52 for AFFO for 2021-22, $2.78, $2.95 and $3.11 for AEPS, 
$2.78, $2.93 and $3.14 for EPS, $2.05, $2.17 and $2.30 for Dividends, $1492M, $966M and $827M for FCF, $1303M, $1389M and $1502M for Net Income. 
April 25, 2021.  Last estimates were for 2020, 2021 and 2022 of $9278M, $9689M and $10098M for Revenue, $2.91 and $3.32 for AFFO for 2020 and 2021, $2.65, $2.87 and $3.06 for Adj EPS, 
$2.65 $2.84 and $3.10 for EPS, $1.94, $2.05 and $2.18 for Dividends, $1,386M, $1195M and -$34M for FCF, $6.22, $6.38 and $7.40 for CF, and $1239M, $1343M and $1455M for Net Income.
April 19, 2020.  Last estimates were for 2019, 2020 and 2021 of $9246M, $9476M and $9669M for Revenue, $2.53 and $2.67 for AFFO for 2019 and 2020, 
$2.66, $2.81 and 2.85 for EPS, $1.83m $1.93 and $2.05 for Div, $5.72, $6.47 and $6.18 for CFPS and $1125M, $1203M and $1290M for Net Income.
April 23, 2019.  Last estimates were for 2018, 2019 and 2020 of $9141M, $9499m and $9589M for Revenue, $2.28 and $2.32 for AFFO for 2018 and 2019,
 $2.55, $2.67 and $2.53 for EPS, $2.55. $2.67 and $2.55 for CFPS and $1077M, $1149M and $1194M for Net Income.
April 22, 2018.  Last estimates were for 2017, 2018 and 2019 of $8922M, $9285M and $10001M for Revenue, AFFO for 2017 and 2018 of $2.62 and $2.86, 
$2.47, 2.60 and $2.55 for EPS, $5.10, $5.31 and $5.29 for CFPS and $1020M, $1075M and $1093M for Ne Income.
April 21, 2017.  Last estimates were for 2016, 2017 and 2018 of $7128M, $7847M and $9181M for Revenue, $3.10 fpr AFFO for 2016, $2.16, $2.43 and $2.66 for EPS, 
$5.36, $5.13 and $5.48 for CFPS and $608M and $820M for 2016 and 2017 for Net Income.
April 30, 2016.  Last estimates were for 2015 and 2016 of $6765M, $6757M for Revenue, $2.69 and $3.00 for AFFO, $2.05 and $2.13 for EPS, $5.26 and $5.57 for CFPS and $566M and $587M for Net Income.
May 16, 2015.  Last estimates were for 2014, 2015 and 2016 of $4539M $5990M and $5704M for Revenue, $2.95 and $3.56 for AFFO for 2014 and 2015, 
$1.66, $1.99 and $2.04 for EPS, $4.58 and $5.05 for CFPS for 2014 and 2015, and $293M and $505M for 2014 and 2015 for Net Income.
May 8, 2014.  Last estimates were for 2013, 2014 and 2015 of $4127M, $4512M and $4792M for Revenue, $2.58, $2.78 and $3.05 for EPS, $1.51, 1.98 and $2.04 for EPS, $4.56, $4.70 and $4.97 for CFPS.
Fortis has raised their dividends for 41 consecutive years since 1972.
May 2013.  Last estimates were for 2012 and 2013 of $3855M and $4378M for Revenue, $1.72 and $1.80 for EPS and $4.57 and $4.64 for CFPS.
This company got permission to use US GAAP accounting until 2014.  They are using US GAAP as it is closer to CDN GAAP for a regulated company.  By 2014 they will have to be a SEC Issuer or go to IFRS.
The company feels that a transition to IFRS would likely have resulted in the derecognition of some, or perhaps all, of the Corporation’s regulatory assets and liabilities 
and caused significant volatility in the Corporation’s consolidated earnings.
Feb 24, 2013. Unaudited Statements were in a press release of February 2013.  So Far no audited statements
Mar 3, 2012.  Last estimates were for 2011 and 2012 with $3804M and $4009M for revenue, $1.74 and $1.82 for EPS and $4.40 and $4.66 for CF.
May 1, 2011.  Last I looked I got estimates for 2010 and 2011 of $1.65 and $1.79 for earnings and $3.80 for 2010 cash flow. Undiluted earnings were $1.65.
Apr 1, 2010.  Since I reviewed this stock in last March, earnings estimates have increased from $1.61 and $1.71.  They have raised their dividends every year since 1973
Mar 24, 2010.  In Aug 2009, I picked up 2009, 2010 and 2011 earnings of $1.50, $1.61 and $1.71 and cash Flow $3.61 and $3.80.
Aug 19, 2009.  In May 2009, I picked up 2009 and 2010 earnings estimates of $1.53 and 1.65 and cash flow estimates of 3.79 and 3.98.
May 3, 2009 AR 2008.  In Jul 2008, I picked up earnings estimates of $1.53. Earnings came in at $1.56, diluted $1.53.  This was a good estimate.
Looking at quicken, I have made a return of 12.8% on this stock between my two accts. For the last 5 years about 11%.   This has been a great stock. About 4% of my return is in dividends.
AP 2007.  Dividends have increased for last 35 yrs. Tracking well with other utilities, but diverging lower than general TSX
AP 2006. This stock continues to do what I bought it for.  It slowly plots ahead and pays a good dividend.
AR 2005.  Return has really shot up lately.  High debt, but debt has always been high. TDNewCrest is negative on stock.  They think it will move sideways over next few years.
Apr 2004.  Revenue and stock price increaseing (but P/E a little high).  Does not do well re Accrual Ratio. Sold some stock.
AR 2004.  Debt is high but company has just sold stock worth 129.9M$ to reduce debt. My IRR since 1987 is 13.2%. Not bad, but should watch stock. 
May 2003.  Not the time to buy more.  
2003.  This continues to plot along.  I have gotten a 12.02 IRR on this stock since purchasing.  Held in both RRSP and Cdn Trading accounts.
2003 This stock has not done as well over the last 5 yrs - averagering 8% return.  However, we are in a stock downturn.
This company has increased their dividend annually since about 1973, and raised it in 2009 and 2010.
In 1987 shareholders of Newfoundland Light & Power Co. form Fortis Inc. as a holding company with 100% ownership of the regulated electrical utility.
Power, Utility
What should this stock accomplish?
Would I buy this company and Why.
I made most of my money from banks and utilities.  This has been a very good long term one.
Why am I following this stock. 
I am following this company as I own the stock.  It was also on Mike’s site showing Dividend Paying Canadian Growth stocks.  It was also on the Dividend Growth stock lists that I follow.
Why I bought this stock.
I bought this stock as Newfoundland Light and Power Co. Ltd. Class A shares in 1987.   I bought more in 1995, 1998 and 2005.
In 2005 I sold some Fortis from my RRSP account as I needed to get $20,000 in this account and I was concerned about the debt liquidity of this stock.   However, this stock continues to be one of my big stock holdings.
Dividends are paid quarterly in Cycle 3, which is March, June, September and December.  Dividends are declared for one month and paid near the first of the following month.
For example on December 9, 2013 the company annouced the dividend payable on March 1, 2014 for shareholders of record of February 14, 2014. 
How they make their money
Fortis owns and operates eight utility transmission and distribution subsidiaries in Canada and the United States. The company has smaller stakes in 
electricity generation and several Caribbean utilities.   
For most ratios, lower is better when looking for a good stock price.  However, there are exceptions such as for yield and asset/liability ratios and here you want a higher ratios to indicate a good stock price.  
Also, for the Operational Profit Margin, a higher percentage is better.  With the OPM, you should only compare companies in similar industries.
Shares; '%, Value $M %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Shares %, Val $M Change
Date 2016 April 22 2017 April 22 2018 April 23 2019 April 19 2020 April 25 2021 April 25 2022 April 28 2023 April 23 2024
Hutchens, David G. 0.084 0.02% 0.084 0.02% 0.103 0.02% 0.128 0.03% 24.31%
CEO - Shares - Amount $5.120 $4.546 $5.611 $6.922
Options - percentage 0.226 0.05% 0.276 0.06% 0.373 0.08% 0.442 0.09% 18.52%
Options - amount $13.780 $14.976 $20.336 $23.921
See below
Perry, Jocelyn H.  0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.048 0.01% 0.050 0.01% 0.052 0.01% 0.054 0.01% ceased as insider Jan 2011 4.03%
CFO- Shares - Amount $0.000 $0.000 $2.943 $2.703 $2.818 $2.909 Last filing Mar 2020
Options - percentage 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00% 0.747 0.15% 0.324 0.07% 0.311 0.06% Shown in CFO slot from 2020 -3.89%
Options - amount $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $40.478 $17.658 $16.843
Smith, Karl W. 0.03% 0.119 0.03% 0.125 0.03%
CFO- Shares - Amount $4.679 $5.48 $5.698
Options - percentage 0.11% 0.504 0.12% 0.518 0.12%
Options - amount $18.763 $23.26 $23.593
Hynes, Madonna G. 0.00% 0.018 0.00%
Officer - Shares - Amount $0.729 $0.81
Options - percentage 0.00% 0.016 0.00%
Options - amount $0.680 $0.76
Gosse, Karen J. 0.00% 0.022 0.01% 0.025 0.01% 0.026 0.01% 0.028 0.01% 0.032 0.01% 0.034 0.01% 0.036 0.01% 0.038 0.01% Last filing Mar 2020 6.70%
Officer - Shares - Amount $0.000 $1.02 $1.133 $1.400 $1.434 $1.951 $1.838 $1.964 $2.080
Options - percentage 0.00% 0.043 0.01% 0.051 0.01% 0.060 0.01% 0.067 0.01% 0.058 0.01% 0.058 0.01% 0.059 0.01% 0.060 0.01% 2.01%
Options - amount $0.000 $1.97 $2.331 $3.217 $3.462 $3.512 $3.128 $3.206 $3.246
Blouin, Pierre J. 0.002 0.00% 0.002 0.00% 0.003 0.00% 18.03%
Director - Shares - Amount $0.129 $0.130 $0.152
Options - percentage 0.023 0.00% 0.027 0.01% 0.030 0.01% 12.32%
Options - amount $1.257 $1.453 $1.620
Amaimo, Stephanie A. 0.004 0.00% 0.008 0.00% 0.008 0.00% 0.009 0.00% 0.009 0.00% Now VP Investor Relations 2.21%
Officer- Shares - Amount $0.223 $0.469 $0.423 $0.468 $0.474 in 2023, was Director in 2021
Options - percentage 0.012 0.00% 0.012 0.00% 0.011 0.00% 0.012 0.00% 0.013 0.00% 8.11%
Options - amount $0.606 $0.726 $0.600 $0.645 $0.692
Ball, Tracey Colleen 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% 0.005 0.00% Listed as Director 2019 9.66%
Director - Shares - Amount $0.225 $0.267 $0.257 $0.302 $0.268 $0.270 $0.294 Listed 2020 as officer
Options - percentage 0.014 0.00% 0.017 0.00% 0.020 0.00% 0.024 0.00% 0.027 0.01% 0.030 0.01% 0.034 0.01% Last File Apr 2001 11.32%
Options - amount $0.638 $0.935 $1.058 $0.000 $1.454 $1.660 $1.834 Listed as Director 2021
Blouin, Pierre J.
Director - Shares - Amount
Options - percentage
Options - amount
Zurel, Jo Mark 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.00%
Chairman - Shares - Amt $0.542 $0.545 $0.541
Options - percentage 0.017 0.00% 0.021 0.00% 0.025 0.01% 19.06%
Options - amount $0.918 $1.145 $1.353
Haughey, Douglas J. 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00% 0.010 0.00%
Chairman - Shares - Amt $0.46 $0.455 $0.539 $0.520 $0.610 $0.542
Options - percentage 0.019 0.00% 0.027 0.01% 0.032 0.01% 0.038 0.01% 0.044 0.01% 0.050 0.01%
Options - amount $0.89 $1.209 $1.741 $1.982 $2.702 $2.719
Increase in O/S Shares 0.31% 1.042 0.26% 1.217 0.29% 0.357 0.08% 1.449 0.31% 1.490 0.32% 1.428 0.30% 1.500 0.31% 1.600 0.33% Average 0.32%
due to SO  $33.108 $43.201 $56.117 $16.253 $78.072 $58.706 $61.061 $81.270 $86.688 Search for Stock Options
Book Value $28.000 $32.000 $0.000 $11.960 $48.339 $58.706 $56.263 $67.290 $75.504 Options Vested, end of year
Insider Buying -$0.193 -$0.354 -$0.015 -$0.243 -$2.237 -$2.102 -$0.023 -$1.875 -$1.874
Insider Selling $6.378 $5.111 $6.262 $14.251 $38.054 $3.468 $7.989 $0.299 $0.206
Net Insider Selling $6.185 $4.757 $6.247 $14.008 $35.817 $1.366 $7.966 -$1.576 -$1.668
% of Market Cap 0.04% 0.02% 0.03% 0.06% 0.15% 0.00% 0.03% -0.01% -0.01%
Directors  12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Women 30% 3 25% 4 33% 4 33% 4 33% 4 33% 5 42% 7 58% 7 58%
Minorities 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 8%
Institutions/Holdings 18.59% 17 23.53% 445 58.27% 17 27.43% 20 49.82% 20 44.68% 20 49.95% 20 50.59%
Total Shares Held 0.37% 1.882 0.45% 246.512 57.53% 2.194 0.47% 217.514 46.60% 213.047 44.18% 241.928 49.31% 249.416 50.84%
Increase/Decrease -0.57% -0.004 -0.20% 0.344 0.14% -0.023 -1.05% 16.874 8.41% 3.788 1.81% 3.342 1.40% -5.383 -2.11%
Starting No. of Shares reuters 1.886 reuters 246.168 reuters 2.217 reuters 200.640 Top 20 MS 209.259 Top 20 MS 238.586 Top 20 MS 254.799 Top 20 MS
Institutions/Holdings 686 90.90%
Value $22,691.420
Total Shares Held 330.000 77.01%
Value $15,018.300
Increase/Decrease 3 Mths -1.000 -0.30%
Starting No. of Shares 331.000 Moringstar
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